Album Review: Wax Idols – American Tragic

I Don’t Listen to Post-Punk so Bear With Me.


I Don’t Listen to Post-Punk so Bear With Me.

I’m not into post-punk, hell the only post-punk album I’ve listened to all the way through was Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures, which I enjoyed. Maybe that means I’m not qualified to review this album, but I’m barely qualified to drive to post office to pick up my flesh light, so fuck it. Anyway, the album is a bit of a hodgepodge of emotions. It’s a bit poppy in places and it’s a bit “really fucking sad” in places. It doesn’t have a constant tone to it, which isn’t to say that that’s bad. It has character, emotion and all that other shit you need in a solid release, especially in a genre like this. The song Deborah has beautiful vocals, and while it’s a bit more poppy than say Glisten (which has a lot of darkwave influences) but it packs a lot of emotion in there, even if it is a break up song.

Moving on, my favorite track is probably Severely Yours. Shit’s comfy, the guitar is simple and warm. It’s upbeat but the lyrics remind me that I’m a lonely ass drunkard.


It’s a decent album, tons of solid songs, the tone is a bit all over the place but most definitely worth a listen.  I really hate this review tho.

Listen here:


Song Review: Lazerhawk – So Far Away

Memories of the Future.


Memories of the Future.

Lazerhawk is a big name in synthwave and in electronic music in general. He’s one of the best around. However this track might just be the best synthwave track I’ve heard yet. The intro is smooth and ambient, with a strong feeling of nostalgia surrounding it. But it’s the break down  toward the 2:30 mark that really hits hard. It unlocks a deep feeling of longing and desire to return to a memory. It’s this deep repetitive beat that breaks down the barrier between subconscious and conscious, between left brain and right brain. It makes you want to explore memories you don’t remember. The song fades out with this groovy beat and it never stop hitting hard. It, much like the past, fades away despite the listeners desire for it to continue. It’s subtly deep and quite effective.

Listen Here:


Album Review: Hitoshizuku by GO-ZEN


Metal to Masturbate to.

What the fuck is this shit? You’re probably thinking that right fuckin’ now. This my friends and foes is weeb ass goregrind. This is Hatsune Miku’s aborted fetus absolutely shredding on guitar. This is a school shooting in whatever highschool the girls from K-On! went to. The vocals are gruggled screams and deep squeals. While they aren’t anything new to goregrind they manage to be varied and entertaining as fuck. The drums have a very punk sound to them, like the drummer from Black Flag got high on angel dust and raped your mom while playing. If you like extreme music you owe it to yourself to listen to this badboy. In the words of some guy who bought this shit on bandcamp: “Why the fuck is it likeable?? Because: a) Japan. b) Fuck you. c) This is heavy and brutal as fuck! Period.” Can’t argue with that.


Download it here:


Album Review: freakside villas LP by real life rick


The 6th Element.

A three track release, the freakside villas LP lives up to it’s name as freaky. There is no genre here. It’s pure experimental electronic. This release feels like it takes a lot of inspiration from acts like The Knife and Tobacco but it still retains it’s creative vibe. It’s hard to place an exact sound to this, with the first and last tracks having a melancholy ambient vibe to em but the the middle track being full of energy. It’s a ride. overstimulated is like the high at the club, you feel great, but eventually it’s 6 am and you’re out of X and driving home from the club.

Dank verdict:

Shit’s dank.

Download here:

Album Review: スキャンダラス by Neko Furēku

Now That’s What I Call Vaporwave.

a1609525085_10Now That’s What I Call Vaporwave.

Vaporwave is a genre that it seems like everyone is trying to break into but no one knows how to do it right. Neko does something amazing with this album. With a fantastic use of samples both English and Japanese, the album feels fresh while still feeling old. To me that’s what vaporwave is, a sort of re-imagining of the 80s and 90s today. The album captures that feeling with its chill grooves and funky jazz segments. コカイン almost has a Nujabes vibe to it, with it’s simple backing beat and wonderful strings. 身代金ノート is very ambient. It’s like you’re listening to the menu music of an old amiga game. The sampling here is excellent, the Japanese speech is very fitting and well mixed. This album has variety, excellent samples and despite the songs being different and varied, it still maintains a well connected pace.

Dank verdict:

Shit’s Dank.

Download it here:–2